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Eelection season Grain Dryer, the northeast region of the grain, corn,soybeans, sorghum, wheat, rice and so on. Most of receipt of the season in the Autumn, that is, each year about 10-11 months. This season somewhat cooler,not conducive to food drying, artificial drying of grain drying equipment can only be used for this season alone natural air-dry is to ensure that does not work, the company provides various types of 10t-2000t grain drying equipment drying machinery, Including corn drying machine,soybean dryer, these grain dryer work is different due to the different size models so the production time is from 10 a few days to several months,so the majority of customers need to tailor custom make an appointment in advance own grain drying machinery will be a good season to receive food do not have to worry about how drying their own food.Every year from June to September is the best time to purchase grain dryer, do not miss.